This week we had the annual library tea. The library is closed for ordinary business for the day because we use the study tables to display all the books and media purchased in the last year. We prepare homemade food and have a selection of teas available with porcelain tea cups. First to arrive are student members of the book club who checked out the goodies as well as a few new books.
Later faculty and staff, nearly everyone in the school, came in to see new arrivals, enjoy a snack, and visit. We publish a monthly list of new books and have the items on display in the library but this is an added way to contact faculty and show them resources and find out if they need something new. Many were surprised to realize we have added music CDs and recorded books in the last year.
I downloaded pictures to Flickr and am trying to insert them here. I wanted to rearrange the order but could not figure how to do it and keep the tags I already made. Until I find out how to put the pictures here, this is the link: